Back to Your Brain on Stress and Fatigue: How stress and fatigue affect your ability to process information and make sound decisions
Your Brain on Stress and Fatigue: How stress and fatigue affect your ability to process information and make sound decisions

Your Brain on Stress and Fatigue: How stress and fatigue affect your ability to process information and make sound decisions

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Presenter: Korky Vault, Training Coordinator, CSM EMCIS Program

Fatigue and stress are so common in today’s society that they are not viewed as a problem. Everyone experiences fatigue. Everyone has stress.  But, can your brain fight against these stressors to keep you safe? In this presentation you will gain a basic understanding of your brain function, understand the effect of stressors on your ability to process information in order to make sound decisions, and learn practical strategies that will counteract known stressors and improve brain function.


Recorded Date: June 24, 2020
Speaker(s): Korky Vault
Format: MP4
Download Size: 112.46 MB
Length: 58:24
  • List Price: $90.00
  • Member Price: $45.00
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Item Details:
Your Brain on Stress and Fatigue: How stress and fatigue affect your ability to process information and make sound decisions
Back to Your Brain on Stress and Fatigue: How stress and fatigue affect your ability to process information and make sound decisions


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