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Tailings Case Studies

Tailings Case Studies

Discover the critical insights of tailings management with the essential read, Tailings Management Case Studies, a curated collection of 43 impactful case studies from the acclaimed Tailings Management Handbook. This book is a vital resource for students, professionals, and researchers in the field of mining and mineral processing, offering 11 updated and 3 new case studies that shed light on the ever-evolving challenges of tailings management.

Divided into six comprehensive categories — Closure & Reclamation, Design & Construction, Environmental & Regulatory, Geotechnical Studies, Lessons Learned from Failures, and Operations & Monitoring — this compilation offers a structured approach to understanding the multifaceted aspects of tailings management. Each case study serves as a narrative of caution and instruction, highlighting the imperative of responsible tailings management in reflecting a company's commitment to ESG principles. Whether for academic purposes or professional development, this collection stands as a testament to the importance of learning from the past to safeguard our future.

  • List Price: $119.00
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Tailings Case Studies
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