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Revisiting the mechanism of cementation: The role of hydrogen species in acidic aqueous media

Revisiting the mechanism of cementation: The role of hydrogen species in acidic aqueous media

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Description: This paper presents the results of an analysis and summary of relevant literature on the mechanism of cementation of metals in acidic aqueous media, with the aim of reconsidering the conventional assumptions. The simplicity of the process as a mere galvanic metal displacement is discussed, and the real effects of pH and hydrogen pressure in different cases assessed. Finally, an alternative mechanism scheme with respect to the role of hydrogen species, in agreement with reported data, is proposed.
Published Date: May 18, 2018
Author(s)s: Casado, J.
Format: PDF
Download Size: 351 KB
# Pages: 5
  • List Price: $50.00
Item Details:
Revisiting the mechanism of cementation: The role of hydrogen species in acidic aqueous media
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