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Chemistry of Gold Extraction 2nd Edition

Chemistry of Gold Extraction 2nd Edition

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Description: The Chemistry of Gold Extraction bridges the gap between research and industry by emphasizing the practical applications of chemical principles and techniques. Covering what everyone in the gold extraction and processing industries should know:
  • Historical Developments
  • Ore Deposits and Process Mineralogy
  • Process Selection
  • Principles of Gold Hydrometallurgy
  • Oxidative Pretreatment
  • Leaching
  • Solution Purification and Concentration
  • Recovery
  • Surface Chemical Methods
  • Effluent Treatment
  • Industrial Applications
This book is a valuable asset for all professionals involved in the precious metals industries. It will be of particular interest and use to engineers and scientists (including extraction metallurgists, mineral/metallurgical engineers, electrochemists, chemical engineers, mineral technologists, mining engineers, and material scientists), plant managers and operators, academics, educators, and students working in gold extraction in either production, research, or consulting capacities.
ISBN #: 978-0-87335-240-6
Pub. Date: 01/01/2006
Author: John O. Marsden, C. Iain House
Format: Hardcover / eBook
# Pages: 680
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Chemistry of Gold Extraction 2nd Edition
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