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Mine Health & Safety Management

Mine Health & Safety Management


Mine Health and Safety Management presents aspects of management, leadership, regulation, and compliance that pertain to mining health and safety. It focuses on instilling a safety culture and fostering the ability to recognize and manage health and safety responsibilities and requirements.

It details effective health and safety management systems and concentrates on safety and health hazard anticipation, identification, evaluation, and control. The book is intended for practicing engineers and supervisors, health and safety professionals, the research community, as well as undergraduate and graduate students in the minerals industry.

Discussing the management, leadership, regulation, and compliance aspects of workplace health and safety in connection to mining, this book details effective management systems. Concentrating on hazard anticipation, identification, evaluation, and control, it emphasizes the need to instill a safety culture and develop the ability to recognize the responsibilities and requirements of health and safety management.

The history of mine health and safety is also discussed. The preface to this book states, "This book is intended for use by undergraduate and graduate students in the minerals disciplines, practicing engineers and supervisors, health and safety professionals, and the research community." Very true! This book is dividied into 27 chapters and is well illustrated with a number of figures, tables, a list of acronyms and an index.

ISBN #: 978-0-87335-200-0
Pub. Date: 03/01/2001
Author: Michael Karmis
Format: Hardcover
# Pages: 472
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  • List Price: $129.00
  • Member Price: $89.00
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Mine Health & Safety Management
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