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From Mine to Mill: What you need to know about PFAS

From Mine to Mill: What you need to know about PFAS

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Description: Presenter: Ward Swanson, Vice President, Senior Environmental Scientist, Barr Engineering Co. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are emerging contaminants of concern in groundwater and drinking water systems. For the mining industry, their link and liability to the issue is primarily through the training and use of Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) concentrates and from secondary sources. PFAS have the potential to impact water supplies and are a challenge to capture and remove. Attendees will leave the presentation with an understanding of the complexity of the chemistry, as well as strategies, tools and approaches from simple to sophisticate a facility can use to identify their PFAS risk profile, and prepare in advance of an emergency or regulatory action based on Barr’s extensive project experience dating back to the early 2000s.
Recorded Date: May 28, 2020
Speaker(s): Ward Swanson
Format: MP4
Download Size: 86.47 MB
Length: 50:22
  • List Price: $90.00
  • Member Price: $45.00
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From Mine to Mill: What you need to know about PFAS
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