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Mineral Exploration and Mining Essentials

Mineral Exploration and Mining Essentials

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The mineral exploration and mining industry is a dynamic, diverse, and profitable sector involving a wide range of people in different stages of their professional careers and investments.

At the same time, it is an industry based on applied science and technology with a lexicon not widely understood by many of these participants. This book bridges that gap.  Mineral Exploration and Mining Essentials is an indispensable primer for anyone interested in the mineral exploration and mining industry but who lacks experience in the field.

Consider this book if you need to make informed mining-related investment decisions; want to better evaluate mineral-development proposals; or are interested in the basics of exploration, discovery, geology, and mining.

ISBN #: 978-0-9867221-0-3
Pub. Date: 01/20/2011
Author: Robert Stevens
Format: Softcover
# Pages: 336
Usually ships in 1-2 days
  • List Price: $169.00
  • Member Price: $99.00
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Mineral Exploration and Mining Essentials
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