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Longwall Mining, Second Edition

Longwall Mining, Second Edition


This reference text covers longwall mining technology developed and practiced in the US during the last 30 years. It begins with a description of the technology and the special features about US longwalls including their requirements and constraints.

It moves on to cover an array of topics including factors involved in a preliminary evaluation of longwall feasibility of a coal reserve; abutment pressures; methods for multiple entry development; two-leg shield support; shearer and automated plow systems; coal transportation systems; ventilation requirements and practices, and methane and dust control; methods and equipment required for a face move; mine power distribution and system control; and surface subsidence and dewatering.

ISBN #: 978-0-9789383-0-7
Pub. Date: 01/01/2006
Author: Syd S. Peng
Format: Hardback
# Pages: 636
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  • List Price: $150.00
  • Member Price: $110.00
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Longwall Mining, Second Edition
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