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Mining Explained, 11th Edition

Mining Explained, 11th Edition


Mining Explained: Discovery, Extraction, Refining, Marketing and Investing explains mining in layman's terms. The scientific, engineering, and fiscal processes employed in the transformation of a mine prospect to a metal producer are all here, but simplified and spelled out in English.

The text covers basic geology, ore deposits, high-tech processing, sampling and drilling, mining methods, processing ore, mining and the environment, the mining team, the business of mining, feasibility, metal markets, making sense of the numbers, and investing in mining.

The glossary helps shed light on the myriad geological and financial terms of the industry. This primer on the industry will increase your appreciation and knowledge of the industry.

ISBN #: 978-1-52257747-7
Pub. Date: 02/20/2012
Author: The Northern Miner
Format: Softcover
# Pages: 164
Usually ships in 1-2 days
  • List Price: $50.00
  • Member Price: $30.00
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Mining Explained, 11th Edition
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