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Mineral Processing Technology, Eighth Edition

Mineral Processing Technology, Eighth Edition

Description: Wills’ Mineral Processing Technology has been the definitive reference for the mineral processing industry for more than thirty years. This industry standard provides practicing engineers and student of mineral processing, metallurgy, and mining with practical information on all the common techniques used in modern processing installations.

Each chapter is dedicated to a major processing procedure-from underlying principles and technologies to the latest developments in strategies and equipment for processing increasingly complex refractory ores. The eighth edition enhances coverage of practical applications with the inclusion of new material focused on meeting the pressing demand for ever greater operational efficiency, while addressing the pivotal challenges of waste disposal and environmental remediation.

Advances in automated mineralogy and analysis and high-pressure grinding rolls are given dedicated coverage. The new edition also contains more detailed discussions of comminution efficiency, classification, modeling, flocculation, reagents, liquid-solid separations, and beneficiaiton of phosphate and industrial materials. Finally, the addition of new examples and solved problems further facilitates the book's role in the classroom.

ISBN #: 978-0-08097-053-0
Pub. Date: 11/24/2015
Author: Barry Wills, James Finch
Format: Softcover
# Pages: 512
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  • List Price: $135.00
  • Member Price: $95.00
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Mineral Processing Technology, Eighth Edition
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